Thursday, January 8, 2009

Back with your T-Lo fix

So now that T&L have attempted to reacquaint ourselves with the 5-day work week (boo on that), we return to our blog ;) We know you were all beside yourselves with boredom without us so here we go again...welcome 2009! If anyone has awesome stories or pics from NYE (or the holidays in general), please feel free to share and/or post your souvenirs from 2008 here.

Though we spent New Years in separate cities, we were still in communication with each other. Here's a little taste of what we got into...

NYE/NYD texting between T&L:

Louise (Jan 1, 2009 1:23:05 AM): Happy new year love!

(Thelma has already crashed by now)

Louise (Jan 1, 2009 4:44:42 AM): Let me know how NYE went. Mine was weird per usual.

(Still nothing from Thelma...)

Thelma (Jan 1, 2009 10:26:32 AM): So I woke up at 6 this morning and puked. Then passed out again. Woke up at 9:30 with a pounding headache that required 3 Goody Powders. Starving. Needed food. Walked into living room to discover the shirt I wore last night on the sofa and shoes and keys by the front door. Open front door. Makeup on the stoop. WTF?? Car not there. Great. Have to walk to Joe's. On my way there I step off the sidewalk so 2 brats on scooters can get by. I step in dog shit. Want to die.

Much love!


Bunny said...

LMAO!!! Not to mention that after all that, Thelma cooked and hosted a dinner party. What a trooper! (Or, functional alcoholic...hmmm...) ;)
Thank goodness the blog is back on; I was having withdrawals! Happy New Year, girls!

The Crowned One said...

Perfect! Me and the blonde roomie went to a "cool vinyl collecting kids" party. Champagne glasses were broken, but that did not even begin to halt the consumption.
Fun was definitely had, and New Years Day was VERRRRY lazy.

cloverbombs said...

Thanks, Bunny, for the dinner party recognition! I have to agree, it isn't the easiest thing in the world to host and cook for a dinner party in that condition. But I had a blast and can't wait for the next one!

TCO - Scooters DO rock. In fact, you're my favorite scooting motorist of all time. I think I must have been a little bitter when I typed that text message :(