Tuesday, January 13, 2009


As several of you already know, we ended up at the bars last night after all. Boy, did we fool you or what?! Did you really believe we were serious about going into hibernation? We totally punked Cloverdale!

Just kidding. Last night’s pre-hibernation throw-down (I borrowed that from TCO – she comes up with some good ones!) was actually a last-minute complete failure of will power. Hibernation will resume tonight. We mean it this time. Please, no compelling calls, texts, emails, bat signals…you get the picture. ‘Will Power’ is not either of our middle names and we very easily give into peer pressure (especially in the form of “gang bang” texts). So one more time: We are not going out tonight. Period. End of story. This is not open for debate (who am I trying to convince here??).

Anyway, both Joe’s and the 7 were pretty dead last night (I mean, it was only Monday so I guess that’s alright) so there isn’t too much news to report today. By the time we got to Joe’s, the corner had already been taken (how dare they!) and was too crowded even for us to squeeze in. We sat in the middle of the bar instead. Better views of the NFL games (which we’re sooooo interested in seeing) anyway, so there! TCO joined us for Roadhouse at the 7. At first she turned down our invitation explaining how tired she’d been all day. But there’s just something about T&L you can’t quite resist no matter how intent you are on sticking to your guns ;). Anyway, we basically owned the 7 last night. T&L, TCO, The Menace, and Law (plus Lee, Zig and maybe 2-3 others) were the only customers! And the indoor fireplace was going. How cozy! We discussed how all we need now are sofas, but then we realized if that were to happen we’d end up waking up there the next morning waaayyy too often. Talk about getting the rumor mill going…

The intimacy was short-lived. There was a downpour of randoms at about 10:00 PM. It literally went from just us to like 40 people in two shakes of a lamb’s tail! This turned out to be advantageous for us because even though we were separated from our friends, we made new ones and had drinks and shots bought for us :).


The Crowned One said...

Well then thank goodness I left when I did! Not that I have any sort of aversion to new friends and/or free drinks and shots (or any combination thereof), but I did get some excellent sleep last night.
The highlights of my evening?

1. Hands down, Menace's getup takes the cake.

2. The look on Louise's face when the car bomb that she adamantly refused was placed in front of her anyway, and her subsequent switcheroo for the more diet-friendly Hole in the Head. Way to stick to your guns, L!

3. Discovering that if I am in fact disgusting for being incredibly attracted to Dr. House, I'm not alone.

4. NON-highlight: the absent Bunny.

cloverbombs said...

1. Oh no! I forgot to mention the Menace's auto mechanic jumpsuit! Glad you remembered.

2. Yeah, apparently her carbomb turn-down wasn't taken seriously. I don't blame then for trying though.

3. I forgot that revelation too. Man, where is my memory?! But yes, Dr. House is quite possibly one of the sexiest men alive (aside from Daniel Craig).

4. I miss Bunny :(