Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Weekend We Sacked Cloverdale, Part II

Text conversation Saturday afternoon:
Louise (12:09 PM): “So, looks like I’m staying here this weekend.”

Thelma (12:11 PM): “Why?”

Louise (12:12 PM): “I had soooo much fun last night and I’ve been out of town every weekend. I wanna get shitty again tonight!”

Thelma (12:14 PM): “Haha maybe we need to get more bubbly...”

Louise (12:14 PM): “Hell yeah! We were so awesome last night!”

Thelma (12:15 PM): “As always.”

Louise (12:17 PM): “Is it too early to start drinking?”

Thelma (12:18 PM): “Nah. It’s Saturday.”

Louise (12:20 PM): “Why sober up? I’m gonna ride this drunkenness til tonight, bitches!”

And thus our Saturday begins.

Fast forward to Saturday night (we won’t even bother with the rest of the day since it was absolutely unproductive): We started our alcohol intake regimen earlier that day, so we were good and buzzed when it was time to start “getting ready” to go out for round 2. Speaking of getting ready, you should see this process. It’s actually pretty entertaining. But that’s another blog. Anyway, no bubbly this time. I stuck to vodka, Lo drank…was it rum? (yes) Also, the Babysitter stopped by to hang with us for a little while. (it was his bottle of rum.) Did we do a shot? (of course we did…several)

Bare with us – the nights are beginning to run together.

Okay, let’s go ahead and assume we had a Hole in the Head with the Babysitter. Then he left to hang with other friends and T-Lo headed to Fairview intent, once again, on being complete bitches. Sans the pretty dresses.

Once at Joe’s, we took our reserved seats at the Corner. TCO (!) showed up and we dished with her for a while. Outlaw’s there too and it’s laughs and carbombs all day. Meanwhile, the Babysitter was lurking around the bar for who knows how long before we finally realized he was there. He sat down and we all talked some smack. Then effing Stormy walks in and heads straight over to where we’re sitting “to hang out with us.” Yeah, right. You’re just bored and lonely. “It’sgon’rain!” Anyway, you should have heard all the sh*t that was coming out of her mouth! We thought WE were bad. Also, we received drag queen names. Red Bull, who tells awful and offensive stories, was named Miss Spoke. Louise was dubbed Miss Chievous. And I got Miss…Awesome. It was actually said with that pause. Why whoever named us couldn’t come up with something cool for me like Miss Cheivous, I do not know. Miss Awesome doesn’t even count. It has to be an actual word that begins with ‘mis.’ Duh!

Later on the Babysitter took Bug to the Head, leaving T-Lo to our own devices. Mwahahahaha! Bad move, Babysitter! We hang out for a while and pretty much just shoot the shit with TCO all night. We had some interesting/hilarious conversations. Always a good time. At one point, I accidentally sent a rather incriminating text to Stormy that was actually meant for someone else. Louise sees what’s happening and IMMEDIATELY comes to the rescue. I can’t tell you how many times she’s covered my ass. But the look on her face when she realized what I’d done was priceless. It was one of those jaw-dropping looks that says “O. M. F. G. You are screwed!” After I thank her for literally saving me from sheer disaster, she says, “You’d be in serious hot water without me around, missy!” Ain’t that the truth.

Around 10 o’clock I’m all of a sudden exhausted and head home. This time, however, I’m somewhat able to hold a conversation and actually bid farewell to some people (the night before was vaporizing at it’s finest). Yet again, Lo is left to wrap up the night without T.

The details of the remainder of the night are extremely fuzzy, but we’ll give it a shot. T is home snuggled up in her bed. Lo heads up the street to the 7 with coworkers. The Babysitter shows back up (phew!). A drink may have been sacrificed to the gods of the underworld / the floor of the 7. Oh, apparently at last call the credit card machines went down. If you weren’t carrying cash, you were told to “go get some.” Fortunately there’s an ATM real close by, and luckily Louise was one of the first to get to it. After waiting in line behind a few people (BB included, yikes!), Louise is up and brilliantly decides to withdraw $200 dollars to cover her 20-something dollar bar tab (haha). It turns out that ATM limits you at $100, which at this particular time is a good thing. So Lo takes her $100 (still way more than she needs) and heads back in to pay up, but not before learning that the ATM ran out of many three people later! Knowing she had no business withdrawing that amount of cash, Lo books it back inside before anyone can realize what she’s done. HaHAH! She’s always so quick on her feet! No one is sure of the time, but if it was last call it had to be 4ish – at least 6 hours after T had gone to bed. A-Mazing.

So, yeah. Lo remembers paying the tab but that is literally it. Getting in a car and going home? Forget about it.

Stay tuned for the awesomeness that was Sunday…


LULA said...

"Stormy Weather" sing along "Stormy Weather"!!!! Loves it!!

The Crowned One said...

I am an exceptional shit shooter. I just wish the latter parts of our evenings could have crossed...since we were in the same area!
I still think we need an entire bomb-crew field trip (I'll draw up some permission slips to be signed by the Joe's employees) That's my made up name for where debauchery is at it's best downtown. :) I probably should have discussed that with the council, though. Please don't vote me off the island.

cloverbombs said...

I think a bomb-crew field trip is an EXCELLENT idea! Haha I actually blogged about said club a couple months ago and just realized I used it's real name. Oops! I like 227 though. You're safe this week ! ;)

Anonymous said...

show us your boobs!

The Crowned One said...


Anonymous said...

I think "Miss Behavin" will do just fine for your drag name...

cloverbombs said...

Miss Behavin...I LIKE it!