Friday, January 16, 2009


That message was written on a Joe’s barnap I pulled out of my purse yesterday morning. I’m pretty sure Lo is responsible for that little bit of awesomeness. It made me smile, which wasn’t an easy thing to do that morning after.

As most of you already figured out, I pretty much gave up this past week on that hibernation thing. I’m planning on taking another stab at it so don’t plan on seeing me out next Monday through at least Wednesday.

Anyway, Wednesday night T-Lo made a celebrity appearance at Joe’s. For some reason most of the guys were AWOL that night, so we had a little ΓΒΧ action going on (if you don’t know what this is, click here). We were accompanied by Lula and Bently (both first timers on the blog, but you’ll be reading about them again!), and they definitely added to the enjoyment of ΓΒΧ. We even plotted to either take over Joe’s and rename it BLACBRA, or maybe we said we’d open a new bar altogether. Can’t quite remember. Either way we would call our bar BLACBRA (that is correct – ‘black’ sans the k). There’s a story behind how we came up with that name, but if we told you we’d have to kill you because it would reveal the true identities of these two very special mystery women. You’ll probably figure out who they are by this weekend, so chill out.

After Joe’s I headed home, while Lo took the party up the street to the 7. Evidently (I wasn’t there to witness this and Lo doesn’t quite remember the details) Lo totally bitched out some random chick who was accompanied by two men in cut-off camouflage shirts and camouflage pants (I’m guessing either her bodyguards or d-bags, je dis juste) for trying to interject in her conversation. How dare she! I guess she got what was coming to her.

Tonight is Lo’s last night in Fungomery. She’s heading back to the ‘Ham for the long weekend. So we’re popping open that bottle of champagne in T minus 1 hour (we forgot to put it in the fridge so it needs a little time to chill) and making a night of it! You know where we’ll be.

Hope you have a ridiculously badass weekend!

Yours truly,



Bentley said...

Hey, Its Bentley! Thanks for adding me to the blog! Wednesday night was a blast! I definitely think we decided to take over Joe's and name it BLACBRA, i mean it's already in a great location!

cloverbombs said...

Very true. Location is key, after all!

The Crowned One said...

OK, you'll have to intro me to Lula and Bentley soon!

cloverbombs said...

Oh, I will. You totally know them already. Aren't pretend blog names fun?!

Bentley said...

I love that my identity is such a mystery! I am sure (crowned one) you will figure it out soon enough!