Friday, October 3, 2008

Who won the debate?

Does anyone know? Because we were unable to watch it. We went down to Joe’s around 8:30 and sat at the bar under one of only two televisions even showing the debate (the other 23 televisions were set to various sports channels). We realized we’d forgotten to print out the debate drinking game rules, so we came up with our own: basically, drink every time either candidate speaks. Unfortunately (fortunately?) after only a few minutes of this, the "debate" was immediately turned off per the request of the patrons of Joe's because it was a buzz-kill. Actually, the real reason it was turned off is because our drinking game was annoying the bartender :(. Apparently drinking games are more of a “home” activity…

Anyway, we missed most of the debate and obviously neither of us woke up early enough this morning to watch the news before dragging ourselves to work. So any feedback is welcome.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

the terrorists won

Anonymous said...

I think the final consensus was the BS was about equal.

The Crowned One said...

I think Palin's bangs won the debate. The 8 strands hanging in her left eye were my primary focus anytime she was talking.
But enough on that...that's total BS that you weren't encouraged in your antics at Joe's! Your motto from now on should be, "Have drinking game, will travel." I think they're highly portable. All you need is your liver!

cloverbombs said...

Agreed. Well said!