Monday, October 20, 2008

It's official

The first poll has closed. The results are a lot closer than we thought they'd be, but 9 out of 15 voters voted 'Hell yeah!' to Bunny getting facebook! We still can't account for all 6 'No, no...' votes, but we're just excited 15 people actually voted...

Anyway, hopefully this will convince Bunny she belongs on facebook. We understand it's only natural to be somewhat apprehensive at first. But, Bunny, you'll thank us one day. That's a promise.

Stay tuned for our next exciting poll!


Bunny said...

Is feeling apprehensive a symptom of something? I feel like I'm coming down with some "symptoms."

cloverbombs said...

Bunny, my medical expertise tells me that feeling apprehensive is, indeed, a symptom. I believe you're coming down with an uneasy anticipation of joining facebook. Fortunately, these symptoms diminish over time. Statistics show that as you spend more and more time on facebook, the symptoms you're currently experiencing begin to fade away until they no longer exist...

Anonymous said...

Dr. Bitches:

Can you address the fine line between daily social drinker and full-blown alcoholic??

Anonymous said...

Isn't it enough that Bunny texts so much she now drinks car bombs in slooowww mootttioon? I think that's enough technology for Bunny; she totes don't needs the Facebook.

cloverbombs said...

Dear Perplexed,

A daily social drinker is a person who goes to Joe's and/or the 7 on a nearly daily basis for the sole purpose of consuming a few (or so) alcoholic beverages (and usually an enhanced Guinness or four) with good company, accompanied by lots of laughter.

An alcoholic, on the other hand, attends AA meetings.

Any other questions?

The Crowned One said...

Let's hear it for the few, the proud.....the No voters! That being said, I would love to be Facebookingly connected to Bunny everyday, but being that I'm not just makes it all that much more of a treat when I see her sweet smiling face in person..."Ooooooooh!"

cloverbombs said...

Except that Bunny agreed to join since the 'yes' voters won!

The Crowned One said...

So...wait...does that make me a total hypocrite if I become Bunny's Facebook friend being that I voted against her having a Facebook?
Or...wait...would I be a total bitch if I were to NOT be her Facebook friend?
Ah, I know.......I'm overthinking it.