Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Corner

What would you give to have all your favorite people (a bar's worth: JT, the Menace, Bunny, the Royale, Par, the Ringer, Kicks, DC, Bagz, Tubbs and, of course, us with the occasional interloper thrown in) - think "Cheers" - stuffed down at one corner of a bar? Well, for starters, we'd gladly give up elbow room and personal space. See, even though there may be eight or nine empty chairs scattered down the bar, we prefer to take stools from other areas of the room and cram them into any open space in order to maintain the intimate environment of "the corner."

One recent "corner" experience involved the return of our dear friend the Royale and a certain party favor he brought along. This delectable libation I speak of is the highly coveted Firefly vodka. I say coveted because we happen to live in the one state where sale and/or purchase of this is forbidden. Don't get me started on this issue. Anyway, upon further research, we discovered that not only is there a "sweet tea" vodka but a muscadine as well. As a Southerner, I need not tell you how amazing that would be as a sipping drink or in making martinis, etc. In fact, we urge you to call and/or email the powers that be and request that Firefly be made available in the Heart of Dixie- where sweet tea and muscadines are truly a way of life.

And as always, come see us at the corner of the bar...


Unknown said...

If there ever came a time where someone uttered the words 'firefly vodka' within earshot of me, and some was not being immediately placed into my system via some small container contrived for such functions, I would be forced to throw all 5 feet of myself into a full on midget scramble for those goods, at which time I would scurry away to consume them at 2171, where all good libations should - and generally can - be found.

cloverbombs said...

I'm visiting a state this weekend where Firefly is actually legal. I'm totally bringing some back...

Anonymous said...

No one likes a bootlegger, Muncher. Besides, we don't have a succession plan for XBX. If you get caught, what happens to Car Bomb leadership? And don't even ask me to smuggle in a Flavor Enhanced Guinness when you're in lockup.

cloverbombs said...

Everyone loves a bootlegger...

The Crowned One said...

Sweet Tea Vodka is the tits! The thought of it almost made my hangover go away. the way......last night was UH-GLEE!

cloverbombs said...

But you had the birthday excuse!