Thursday, December 4, 2008

Go shawty, it’s your birthday

That’s right, today Louise turns another year older! Much love and birthday wishes to Louise. She’s growing up so fast (tear). So tonight the birthday celebration continues. We’ll begin the festivities at the House of Hotness (it’ll probably be just T&L and a few pudding shots, but anyone is welcome). Next I imagine we’ll take the party to Joe’s where carbombs and more pudding shots will be consumed. After Joe’s, you ask? Perhaps we’ll venture up the street to the 7. Then maybe down some more carbombs. I mean, why not?

We are so predictable.

Last night was impressively weird. Louise and I decided to forgo Corner time at Joe’s because we both had huge projects that HAD to be completed last night – Louise had some very important newsletters that had to go out and I had some very important pudding shots that had to be made. Anyway, we decided to hit up the 7 for some roadhouse time (in case you’re wondering, roadhouse time is the hour or so at the 7 before the band goes on, and we love it) around 9:30ish. At first it was kind if dead, but the word must have gotten out that T&L had arrived because soon after people started rolling in in droves! Also, it was pretty obvious, at least to us, that the Montgomery Water Works and Sanitary Sewer Board have been experimenting again with that behavior-altering drug in our water supply. And it was obvious The Menace (er, Amish Menace?) hasn’t been drinking filtered water. Either that or he’s been spending way too much time with Jebediah, the Amish man that plagues us with our drunkorexia. Don’t ask (only because I don’t remember)…

Wow, COM (first-time mention) was uber-creepy last night. Something about wanting to be the meat in our sandwich? Gross! No, thank you! I kept accidentally jabbing this old dude in the arm with my elbow, and every time I did it he would look back at me over his shoulder. Like he didn’t know it was me! At first I though I was annoying him. But then after the band, Electric Voodoo or Trial By Jury (they are awesome, btw!), played a few songs this old guy tried to start up a conversation with me. It went exactly like this:

Old dude with questionable taste in sweaters: “So, you like the blues?”

Thelma: “Uhhh yes.”

......................................(awkward silence).....................................

Thelma: “Do you?”

Old dude with questionable taste in sweaters: “Yeah.”

Aaaaaand scene!

Of course we all cheered obnoxiously after every song. You know how this goes. Louise: “Whooooo!” JT: “Get it!” Thelma: “Yeeeaaaah!” It actually happens in that order. Every time. We like to keep things consistent.

At the stroke of midnight Louise turned into a pumpkin. JK! We all had a carbomb in celebration of Louise’s birth. I take that back. We all did not have a carbomb. Amish Menace was off somewhere doing, well, Amish Menace stuff………….

What else? What else? What else?......Oh yeah! While Amish Menace and I were breaking from the fun to round up a birthday pudding shot for Louise, some man I’d never met bought me a drink. It was waiting for me at the bar when I returned. Also waiting for me was a book of matches on which random man had written his name and cell phone number. I think he wants me to call him. I think I left that book of matches at the bar. Darn!

At some point in the night, time unknown, I did my famous vaporizing act. Louise stayed out at the 7, it being her bday and all. (Louise, did anything exciting happen after I left that you’d like to add?)…As you were leaving, the Epileptic (another first-time mention) bought me a b’day shot, Lee “sang,” I got a sloppy kiss from Hagler…thanked the band for playing my b’day party…did another shot of something and finally left. Hung out at turnip’s for a bit and then walked home…and scene. No, wait- I made a sandwich when I got home.

Now for trivia time! Can anyone explain to us where ‘Gumption’ came from? In piecing together last night, Louise remembered Gumption. Then I remembered too. But neither of us can remember what it means. I hate it when that happens.


Anonymous said...

/ˈgʌmpʃən/ Pronunciation [guhmp-shuhn]
–noun Informal.

1. initiative; aggressiveness; resourcefulness: With his gumption he'll make a success of himself.

2. courage; spunk; guts: It takes gumption to quit a high-paying job.

3. common sense; shrewdness.

I remember saying it'd be fun to have a montgomery party called gumption- it would be like the jubilee in florida but instead of fish and crabs washing up on the shore it'd be wash ups getting fishy and crabby.

cloverbombs said...

Ah, yes! Thank you for that missing piece. The puzzle of last night is almost complete.

The Crowned One said...

Jubliees happen most frequently in Alabama, actually! I used to keep a net and a busket (name the movie) on my front porch so that I could run across to the bay and scoop out the tasty treasures at a moment's notice. Delish!

Can't wait to celebrate with you tonight, Louise...I may even swing by for some pre-party puddin pounding. Check that alliteration folks!

Bunny said...

So THAT explains why, at 9:30 last night, I felt this unexplainable need to go to the 7! I resisted though; saving my energy (and liver) for tonight.
Turnip, I would so go to your Gumption party, what a great idea!
Happy Birthday, Louise!!!

Anonymous said...

Gee, thanks guys (*blushing*)...can't wait to see y'all! Pudding is an acceptable dinner entree, yes?

cloverbombs said...

Great alliteration, Niabomb! Also a new initialism - PPPP! kinda like PCBS (pre-carbomb shuffle or post-carbomb shuffle, depending on where you are in your carbomb consumption).

cloverbombs said...

Yes, Louise. On your birthday pudding is an acceptable dinner entree.

Anonymous said...

balls, pure and simple, even if you are a girl