Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Email from Thelma to Louise, 8:59AM:

"I am such a r'tard. My car was finally fixed yesterday afternoon but it was after I went to work HH so dad had to drive it to the 7 where we then exchanged vehicles. Anyway, so after my shift when it was time for me to go home, I got in my car and tried to start it. It wouldn't start. I tried starting that stupid car for nearly 10 minutes and NOTHING! It wasn't making any kind of sound either so I had no clue WTF was wrong. I tried calling my dad a bajillion times and left him about 8 messages (he was on the road to Houston so I knew he was still awake). I even called my sister and woke her up and she tried calling dad and couldn't get in touch with him either. Anyway, I'd already had kind of a shitty night so I was flustered to the max and started crying. Then the sweet but slightly obnoxious because I feel like he's constantly harassing me man who sells flowers at the 7 walked by while I was sitting in my car crying and he said "Young lady, I have some BEAUtiful.." and before he could finish I snapped at him, "NO I'm FINE, thank you!" Then he walked off and I felt terrible and started crying even harder. Then I'd had enough crying, so I got out of my car, left it at the 7, and stormed down to Joe's with my vodka/soda. On the way to Joe's I threw my half empty (yes, at this point it's half empty - not half full) styro of vodka/soda against the brick wall of Joe's bc I knew it would make me feel better. Then I walked into Joe's and saw Lawless and The Menace sitting at the bar so I joined them. Apparently I was visibly upset bc The Menace immediately bought me a red headed slut and Lawless asked, "Are you okay, Mucher?" Anyway, my dad FINALLY calls back and I explain to him that may car isn't starting blah, blah, blah, etc., etc. and he says, "Did you hold the clutch in while you tried to start it??" Oops. Evidently I forgot how to drive a stick while my car was in the shop :/"

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