Thursday, February 19, 2009

What’s in our water? Part III

Thank you to everyone who made it to our V-Day party on Friday. It was a blast, per usual. TCO’s punch was a hit yet again. In fact, we’re still enjoying the leftovers ;). For those of you who told us you’d be there and never showed up, don’t even TRY to use the rain as an excuse. You flaked out. End of story. But you’re still invited to the next party :). Anyway, it’s times like this we wish our blog wasn’t anonymous (ha! Who are we kidding?). There are some very imiwa pics of a certain someone’s homemade pink tutu that we unfortunately will not be posting here.

It is quite obvious that once again, the Montgomery Water Works and Sanitary Sewer Board has been tampering with our water supply. If you weren’t out Tuesday night you missed one hell of a shit-show. EVERYONE was COMPLETELY plastered beyond anything we’ve ever seen! Manny described it like being in the Twilight Zone. It was absolutely bizarre. We witnessed at least two people completely bite it. One guy even took out some poor woman with him. She was sitting at the nudie photo hunt machine, and this guy smashed her into the machine when he pummeled her! Fortunately for both of them she was just as hammered as he was and couldn’t care less. I think they ended up going home together. It was like this all night long.

And the insanity apparently wasn’t limited to Cloverdale. At some point we got word that Manny’s friend AJ, who had been out east at Foot on the Floor, lost his wallet to a crack whore! That sucks big time. I don’t even think he got laid, the poor guy!

Also, at some point the conversation turned to hard drugs (???) because the next morning Lo pulled THIS little gem out of her purse:


"If you can't do drugs w/your family, do them w/a hooker.

In other equally disturbing news, Thelma FINALLY got her new car! Guess what kind it is…A BEETLE!!! The disturbing part is actually not the make of the car, but that it’s a stick. Thelma doesn’t know how to drive a stick. She had a quick lesson after work yesterday but it was cut short due to tornadic conditions. So for the first time since we can remember, Lo drove us to the bar. Anyway, that’s your warning to stay off the roads when T’s en route. You can call ahead before you go anywhere to check on her location if you want. It’s probably not a bad idea. Also, so you know what to look out for, the Beetle is navy blue and it’ll be the one bouncing erratically down the street (that whole changing gears deal is really complicated and difficult to learn). It might even be stalled.

As a side note, thank you to all who turned in the proper paperwork for the position of “BF/Assistant/Handler/Entourage” of Lo. The position has been filled. That is all.


Anonymous said...

Interesting, Very Interesting. I'm going have to follow this little blog of your to stay on top of the OCD doings.

The Crowned One said...

So when is the St. Patty's day party...or will it just be taken to the streets?
Let me know so I can start concocting a new punch. I'm starting on the tutu this week. I think it's going to be even better!

cloverbombs said...

I wish I knew who Anonymous is.

TCO - St. Patty's Day party update coming soon. See next post!