Speaking of weekends, last Saturday we got a crew together and hit up Club 227 in time for the drag show (which did NOT start promptly at midnight). First, though, T-Lo started out at Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s house where we enjoyed some delicious jello shots. My favorite was the green kind :). Mr. and Mrs. Smith are so hospitable! They also live in a great house that makes us like the House of Hotness a little bit less.
Wait a minute. We didn’t start out at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Our alcohol consumption commenced precisely at 2 o’clock that afternoon at the House of Hotness. Let me look at my notes (yes, we took notes this time so we’d remember more)…
Commencement - 2P
-Bottle o' Andre -
Time of Death: 2:45 PM
-Bottle o' Whiskey -
Time of Death: 3:56 PM
-Started off the day w/ mimosas (made w/Orangina - the good shit!) & sushi
-Blueberry Vodka -
T.O.D.: 6:18 PM"

Anywho, after the jello shot festivities we had a couple drinks at Joe’s and then headed to Club 227! As previously mentioned, we got to see the drag show. Mr. Smith gave us dollar bills so we could tip the drag queens for a stellar performance. I got to stuff a dollar bill into this queen’s bra! Yep, that’s Thelma’s hand! Awesome. The Babysitter was with us, of course, because we can’t be trusted at a gay night club by ourselves. Photon and The Duke came too! And Kicks was there! And Rubba! To our dismay we never saw TCO :(. But it was an all-around imiwa night!
I figured out why I was such a lame-o this weekend. I temporarily donated my liver to the students of the "We Have to Research Bodily Organs That Are Freakin' Hard Core!" research group. They totally forgot to get it back to me in time for the weekend.
It's ok. Hopefully they'll be able to do liver cell research on it and make more of us!
Those bitches! Well, as long as it was for a good cause...
I LOVE Club 227!! Very good times had there. Next time you should try challenging one of the off duty queens to a dance off before the show. Always a fun time!
Thanks for the tip!
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