Okay, you twisted my arm! I didn’t even stand a chance.
So while Lo demonstrated a remarkable resistance to temptation and was hibernating away, I, Thelma, failed miserably yet again. Back to Joe’s for me. Of course as soon as TCO walks in, she immediately stops in her tracks, points at me, and starts laughing. You can’t really blame her though – I mean, my complete lack of will power lately is pretty pathetic. Even The Royal seemed somewhat perplexed asking, “So when is Ryan going to stop tricking us with these threats of hibernation?” (or something along those lines). Anyway, my fake-out turned out to be a blessing because, thanks to TCO, we can now tell someone “you’re a dbag” in seven real languages and one made-up language. Not only that, we now can also randomly sho

I think this CLEARLY shows that hibernation is stupid. :)
Exactly! I mean, had hibernation actually happened, your bevnap might not exist!
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