We hope everyone had a wonderful Mardi Gras and that whatever you chose to give up for Lent, if anything, you are able to stick with it!
Now, moving on to the next festivity. There has been some underground noise about a possible T-Lo St. Pattie’s Day Party. I mean, where else would you go for this? We have a freaking lighted clover hanging in our front window and we drink Irish car bombs like it’s our job! There is a hitch however. T will not be present with us on this special day as she has her sister’s wedding to attend in TX (I know - how dare she not plan her wedding around our social life!) so the date will have to be moved. There is the distinct possibility that the party will be held the Friday prior to St. Pattie’s. Please indicate on our poll how you would feel about such an event.
P.s. We JUST realized that’s another Friday the 13th! Perfect!
So far 3 for 3! I think these people realize that they need to hang onto their livers.......or become non-lame.
I mean, if you're going to insist on being lame, then give us SOMETHING. It's a fair trade!
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