Everyone should by now be deciding which New Year's Eve parties with which to grace your presence :). If there are any super cool parties going on, feel free to post them here to get the word out! Everyone be careful traveling and/or partying, and be sure to kiss someone HOT at midnight ;).
We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas/Chanukah with family, and thanks again to those who came out to T&L's First Annual Holiday Cocktail Spectacular! Please, please share any awesome and/or dreadful stories from family time over the holidays! We need to feel like we are not alone in the dysfunction.
Much love,
Monday, December 29, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
No, I do not have a dolphin tattoo on my neck.
This is how much sh*t we get away with: Last night we decided to hit up the 7 to get stamped before going to Joe's, that way when it was Roadhouse time we'd already be stamped and wouldn't have to pay cover. Jeez, we're smart! Unfortunately for us, instead of stamping the ever so inconspicuous underside of the wrist (that way no one sees it if it doesn't wash off the next morning), Lee decided to stamp our necks. Not so inconspicuous. Bummer. But we totally deserved it. Anyway, we tried to cover it up for a while but it was nearly impossible. Tubbs thought they were hickies (um, who's ever heard of a green hicky?). The Menace thought we'd gotten matching dolphin tattoos (seriously???). But we didn't have to pay cover at the 7, and since the economy's so bad right now we almost cried when I lost a quarter, it was totally worth it.
So, welcome home all you loud and obnoxious college kids! Perhaps I was once that irritating (ok, maybe last weekend) but honestly, how many frat boys do we really need in one bar at the same time? I think one or two, tops...and that's assuming they're buying us drinks ;)
Speaking of drinks, we're busily preparing for Friday's 1st Annual T&L Cocktail Spectacular. It should be totally amazing. And just a reminder, to ensure that you have adequate sustenance and libations, we recommend bringing your own drinky-drink (festive, preferably) and either eating before or bringing snacks with you (sharing is awesome!). We're providing snacks as well but we're not overdoing it since it's still unclear how many people will show up. Can't wait to see everyone at the House of Hotness!
So, welcome home all you loud and obnoxious college kids! Perhaps I was once that irritating (ok, maybe last weekend) but honestly, how many frat boys do we really need in one bar at the same time? I think one or two, tops...and that's assuming they're buying us drinks ;)
Speaking of drinks, we're busily preparing for Friday's 1st Annual T&L Cocktail Spectacular. It should be totally amazing. And just a reminder, to ensure that you have adequate sustenance and libations, we recommend bringing your own drinky-drink (festive, preferably) and either eating before or bringing snacks with you (sharing is awesome!). We're providing snacks as well but we're not overdoing it since it's still unclear how many people will show up. Can't wait to see everyone at the House of Hotness!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Holiday Cocktail Competition!
We came up with this genius idea this morning that we’d hold the very first annual Thelma & Louise Holiday Cocktail Competition! We are brilliant! But then we wondered if anyone besides us would participate. So we decided to conduct a poll first. We’re thinking, if the ‘yes’ votes win, that Friday, December 19th would be a good day to have the competition. That should be well before everyone goes out of town for the holidays.
Anyway, the competition will involve each participant entering a cocktail recipe. No duplicates, please! We’ll most likely enter the beloved pudding shots. Or maybe we’ll come up with a new recipe and just serve pudding shots as hors d’oeuvres (yes, I had to google that). And to make the pudding festive, we could even dollop on some whipped cream with red sprinkles or silver balls or something! We love this idea but as always, our readers’ opinions matter most (sometimes)! So get your vote on!
Anyway, the competition will involve each participant entering a cocktail recipe. No duplicates, please! We’ll most likely enter the beloved pudding shots. Or maybe we’ll come up with a new recipe and just serve pudding shots as hors d’oeuvres (yes, I had to google that). And to make the pudding festive, we could even dollop on some whipped cream with red sprinkles or silver balls or something! We love this idea but as always, our readers’ opinions matter most (sometimes)! So get your vote on!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
El fin de semana de Louise

Thanks again to everyone for a most fabulous birthday weekend. My tired body is still recovering from the awesome festivities. A very special thanks to my darling roomie Thelma and my wonderful bf who came in town and took care of me (and our bar tabs - actually, thanks bf's dad!) ;)
If you weren't around this weekend, you truly missed out on the magic. Hopefully, though, the pudding bombs/shots will make a glorious return around the holidays!
This week will likely be low key for me- we're hoping to make an outing to a very new and special restaurant to try out the food and spirits. Plus, Joes's and the 7 got plenty of money out of me this past weekend, and I gotta save up that cheddah to buy presents!
Much love to you all,
Friday, December 5, 2008
Are those pleated pants or are you happy to see me?
Haha we’re funny…
So yesterday was the official day in which Louise was brought into this world 27 glorious years ago. Everyone was most kind and many thanks to you all for making last night such a fabulous evening...but guess what. Last night was the dress rehearsal for this weekend. That's right, it's a Louise Extravaganza all weekend! Tonight will feature the same scenery but with a few new characters. We’re even hoping for a TCO (first-time mention) sighting!
Special thanks go out to Thelma, Thelma's mom (thanks for the pudding shot recipe!!), Turnip, The Royale, Law, Amish Menace, Dragnet, Bunny, everyone at Joe's and "the 7", Ben Hagler and Friends, DC, Tubbs, Bagz, Photon, Cody, Stew, our new friends...and everyone else! And a special "thanks for trying" to Eleanor who sliced and diced my hands last night in a late night round of play time.
Tonight is Round 2 (including more pudding shots - Thelma will be slaving away on her lunch break today since the shots were completely devoured last night) so everyone get ready!!!!!
So yesterday was the official day in which Louise was brought into this world 27 glorious years ago. Everyone was most kind and many thanks to you all for making last night such a fabulous evening...but guess what. Last night was the dress rehearsal for this weekend. That's right, it's a Louise Extravaganza all weekend! Tonight will feature the same scenery but with a few new characters. We’re even hoping for a TCO (first-time mention) sighting!
Special thanks go out to Thelma, Thelma's mom (thanks for the pudding shot recipe!!), Turnip, The Royale, Law, Amish Menace, Dragnet, Bunny, everyone at Joe's and "the 7", Ben Hagler and Friends, DC, Tubbs, Bagz, Photon, Cody, Stew, our new friends...and everyone else! And a special "thanks for trying" to Eleanor who sliced and diced my hands last night in a late night round of play time.
Tonight is Round 2 (including more pudding shots - Thelma will be slaving away on her lunch break today since the shots were completely devoured last night) so everyone get ready!!!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Go shawty, it’s your birthday
That’s right, today Louise turns another year older! Much love and birthday wishes to Louise. She’s growing up so fast (tear). So tonight the birthday celebration continues. We’ll begin the festivities at the House of Hotness (it’ll probably be just T&L and a few pudding shots, but anyone is welcome). Next I imagine we’ll take the party to Joe’s where carbombs and more pudding shots will be consumed. After Joe’s, you ask? Perhaps we’ll venture up the street to the 7. Then maybe down some more carbombs. I mean, why not?
We are so predictable.
Last night was impressively weird. Louise and I decided to forgo Corner time at Joe’s because we both had huge projects that HAD to be completed last night – Louise had some very important newsletters that had to go out and I had some very important pudding shots that had to be made. Anyway, we decided to hit up the 7 for some roadhouse time (in case you’re wondering, roadhouse time is the hour or so at the 7 before the band goes on, and we love it) around 9:30ish. At first it was kind if dead, but the word must have gotten out that T&L had arrived because soon after people started rolling in in droves! Also, it was pretty obvious, at least to us, that the Montgomery Water Works and Sanitary Sewer Board have been experimenting again with that behavior-altering drug in our water supply. And it was obvious The Menace (er, Amish Menace?) hasn’t been drinking filtered water. Either that or he’s been spending way too much time with Jebediah, the Amish man that plagues us with our drunkorexia. Don’t ask (only because I don’t remember)…
Wow, COM (first-time mention) was uber-creepy last night. Something about wanting to be the meat in our sandwich? Gross! No, thank you! I kept accidentally jabbing this old dude in the arm with my elbow, and every time I did it he would look back at me over his shoulder. Like he didn’t know it was me! At first I though I was annoying him. But then after the band, Electric Voodoo or Trial By Jury (they are awesome, btw!), played a few songs this old guy tried to start up a conversation with me. It went exactly like this:
Old dude with questionable taste in sweaters: “So, you like the blues?”
Thelma: “Uhhh yes.”
......................................(awkward silence).....................................
Thelma: “Do you?”
Old dude with questionable taste in sweaters: “Yeah.”
Aaaaaand scene!
Of course we all cheered obnoxiously after every song. You know how this goes. Louise: “Whooooo!” JT: “Get it!” Thelma: “Yeeeaaaah!” It actually happens in that order. Every time. We like to keep things consistent.
At the stroke of midnight Louise turned into a pumpkin. JK! We all had a carbomb in celebration of Louise’s birth. I take that back. We all did not have a carbomb. Amish Menace was off somewhere doing, well, Amish Menace stuff………….
What else? What else? What else?......Oh yeah! While Amish Menace and I were breaking from the fun to round up a birthday pudding shot for Louise, some man I’d never met bought me a drink. It was waiting for me at the bar when I returned. Also waiting for me was a book of matches on which random man had written his name and cell phone number. I think he wants me to call him. I think I left that book of matches at the bar. Darn!
At some point in the night, time unknown, I did my famous vaporizing act. Louise stayed out at the 7, it being her bday and all. (Louise, did anything exciting happen after I left that you’d like to add?)…As you were leaving, the Epileptic (another first-time mention) bought me a b’day shot, Lee “sang,” I got a sloppy kiss from Hagler…thanked the band for playing my b’day party…did another shot of something and finally left. Hung out at turnip’s for a bit and then walked home…and scene. No, wait- I made a sandwich when I got home.
Now for trivia time! Can anyone explain to us where ‘Gumption’ came from? In piecing together last night, Louise remembered Gumption. Then I remembered too. But neither of us can remember what it means. I hate it when that happens.
We are so predictable.
Last night was impressively weird. Louise and I decided to forgo Corner time at Joe’s because we both had huge projects that HAD to be completed last night – Louise had some very important newsletters that had to go out and I had some very important pudding shots that had to be made. Anyway, we decided to hit up the 7 for some roadhouse time (in case you’re wondering, roadhouse time is the hour or so at the 7 before the band goes on, and we love it) around 9:30ish. At first it was kind if dead, but the word must have gotten out that T&L had arrived because soon after people started rolling in in droves! Also, it was pretty obvious, at least to us, that the Montgomery Water Works and Sanitary Sewer Board have been experimenting again with that behavior-altering drug in our water supply. And it was obvious The Menace (er, Amish Menace?) hasn’t been drinking filtered water. Either that or he’s been spending way too much time with Jebediah, the Amish man that plagues us with our drunkorexia. Don’t ask (only because I don’t remember)…
Wow, COM (first-time mention) was uber-creepy last night. Something about wanting to be the meat in our sandwich? Gross! No, thank you! I kept accidentally jabbing this old dude in the arm with my elbow, and every time I did it he would look back at me over his shoulder. Like he didn’t know it was me! At first I though I was annoying him. But then after the band, Electric Voodoo or Trial By Jury (they are awesome, btw!), played a few songs this old guy tried to start up a conversation with me. It went exactly like this:
Old dude with questionable taste in sweaters: “So, you like the blues?”
Thelma: “Uhhh yes.”
......................................(awkward silence).....................................
Thelma: “Do you?”
Old dude with questionable taste in sweaters: “Yeah.”
Aaaaaand scene!
Of course we all cheered obnoxiously after every song. You know how this goes. Louise: “Whooooo!” JT: “Get it!” Thelma: “Yeeeaaaah!” It actually happens in that order. Every time. We like to keep things consistent.
At the stroke of midnight Louise turned into a pumpkin. JK! We all had a carbomb in celebration of Louise’s birth. I take that back. We all did not have a carbomb. Amish Menace was off somewhere doing, well, Amish Menace stuff………….
What else? What else? What else?......Oh yeah! While Amish Menace and I were breaking from the fun to round up a birthday pudding shot for Louise, some man I’d never met bought me a drink. It was waiting for me at the bar when I returned. Also waiting for me was a book of matches on which random man had written his name and cell phone number. I think he wants me to call him. I think I left that book of matches at the bar. Darn!
At some point in the night, time unknown, I did my famous vaporizing act. Louise stayed out at the 7, it being her bday and all. (Louise, did anything exciting happen after I left that you’d like to add?)…As you were leaving, the Epileptic (another first-time mention) bought me a b’day shot, Lee “sang,” I got a sloppy kiss from Hagler…thanked the band for playing my b’day party…did another shot of something and finally left. Hung out at turnip’s for a bit and then walked home…and scene. No, wait- I made a sandwich when I got home.
Now for trivia time! Can anyone explain to us where ‘Gumption’ came from? In piecing together last night, Louise remembered Gumption. Then I remembered too. But neither of us can remember what it means. I hate it when that happens.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Things to do this week
12/3 Wine Tasting Seminar @ Derk's (5:30 pm)
12/4 Louise's Birthday!!!!!!!!!! Everyone come out to Joe's and "the 7" to celebrate! Partying will continue until Sunday afternoon ;)
12/5 House on Wheels at "the 7" (probably starting around 9:30-10ish)*
12/6 SEC Championship Game (Bama v. Florida); Watch the game and hang out at Joe's (3:00 pm)
12/6 Ben Hagler & Friends live at "the 7" (we love these guys)!!
*Check the December band line up for daily events at "the 7"
12/4 Louise's Birthday!!!!!!!!!! Everyone come out to Joe's and "the 7" to celebrate! Partying will continue until Sunday afternoon ;)
12/5 House on Wheels at "the 7" (probably starting around 9:30-10ish)*
12/6 SEC Championship Game (Bama v. Florida); Watch the game and hang out at Joe's (3:00 pm)
12/6 Ben Hagler & Friends live at "the 7" (we love these guys)!!
*Check the December band line up for daily events at "the 7"
Monday, December 1, 2008
Ouch! Is that a pain in our neck?
We hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving and enjoyed some downtime away from work and irritating neighbors. Louise and I were both out of town during the long weekend. We missed all of you and Cloverdale terribly and we’re thrilled to be back.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
During the past week we’ve discovered a few anonymous comments on some of our posts, all having the same pessimistic, disrespectful, and sadly immature tone. Being the geniuses that we are, it took all of 1.267 seconds to figure out who exactly is posting these comments.We keep deleting said comments in hopes they will stop. Unfortunately, they have not. Therefore, we will begin filtering all comments. We still want you to comment as freely as always; however, we would like to limit the negativity and ill-will to those situations over which we have no control. This, however, we CAN stop.
Happy commenting!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
During the past week we’ve discovered a few anonymous comments on some of our posts, all having the same pessimistic, disrespectful, and sadly immature tone. Being the geniuses that we are, it took all of 1.267 seconds to figure out who exactly is posting these comments.We keep deleting said comments in hopes they will stop. Unfortunately, they have not. Therefore, we will begin filtering all comments. We still want you to comment as freely as always; however, we would like to limit the negativity and ill-will to those situations over which we have no control. This, however, we CAN stop.
Happy commenting!
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