Friday, October 31, 2008

****REMINDER**** 1 Extra Hour of Partying on Saturday Night

That awesome time of year has come again where we are given one extra precious hour to do with as we please. For some, that means desperately needed sleep...for others, desperately needed car bombs and/or dancing. Regardless what your activity of choice should be for that magical gift between one and two a.m., do not forget to set back your clock! Failing to do so could result in some very embarrassing social faux pas later in the day ;)
Be careful this Halloween!
Much love from the Cloverbitches.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Better hope we don’t find dirt on you…

That’s right. Poll #2 has finally closed and it looks like we’ll be posting blind items on a weekly (or so) basis! Yay for us! And the 14 of our 21 voters who voted ‘yes’ for blind-items! That’s a lot of voters, by the way. We’re sure impressed. Oh, yeah, and a special thanks to everyone who took precious time out of their busy day to click either ‘yes’ or ‘no.’ Your effort and opinions are greatly appreciated.

Anyway, be looking out for our very first blind-item. This is super exciting! Better hope we don’t find dirt on you…

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Corner

What would you give to have all your favorite people (a bar's worth: JT, the Menace, Bunny, the Royale, Par, the Ringer, Kicks, DC, Bagz, Tubbs and, of course, us with the occasional interloper thrown in) - think "Cheers" - stuffed down at one corner of a bar? Well, for starters, we'd gladly give up elbow room and personal space. See, even though there may be eight or nine empty chairs scattered down the bar, we prefer to take stools from other areas of the room and cram them into any open space in order to maintain the intimate environment of "the corner."

One recent "corner" experience involved the return of our dear friend the Royale and a certain party favor he brought along. This delectable libation I speak of is the highly coveted Firefly vodka. I say coveted because we happen to live in the one state where sale and/or purchase of this is forbidden. Don't get me started on this issue. Anyway, upon further research, we discovered that not only is there a "sweet tea" vodka but a muscadine as well. As a Southerner, I need not tell you how amazing that would be as a sipping drink or in making martinis, etc. In fact, we urge you to call and/or email the powers that be and request that Firefly be made available in the Heart of Dixie- where sweet tea and muscadines are truly a way of life.

And as always, come see us at the corner of the bar...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


To further explain how the blind-items work: We reveal, on a weekly basis, a tidbit of juicy gossip (but not the perpetrators) and you have to guess. We will not in fact reveal the answers, but this will make you all the more observant as you cruise the 'View!' We'll only begin posting blind-items if the 'yes' vote wins, so it's back to the polls for you, ardent blog-followers!

Monday, October 20, 2008

It's official

The first poll has closed. The results are a lot closer than we thought they'd be, but 9 out of 15 voters voted 'Hell yeah!' to Bunny getting facebook! We still can't account for all 6 'No, no...' votes, but we're just excited 15 people actually voted...

Anyway, hopefully this will convince Bunny she belongs on facebook. We understand it's only natural to be somewhat apprehensive at first. But, Bunny, you'll thank us one day. That's a promise.

Stay tuned for our next exciting poll!

Friday, October 17, 2008

You're so dumb, it hurts.

Who could possibly screw up the following basic math equation?:

Joe's is not the only bar in this town
+ You know we'll be at Joe's
+ You can't be that stupid

Monday, October 13, 2008

Since we are all so 'open and honest'

Just to put it out there, I'm sick and therefore very irritable. There are a few lovely people whose heads I would like to take clean off. I'm just sayin'. If you think you might be one of those people, perhaps you should just stay out of my way. ok. thanks. good-bye.  

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's time to vote!

Vote on issues on which your personal opinion actually matters! We've added a new, awesome feature to the now Official Blog of Cloverdale: The Poll! So now at the top of the page, under the photo of us at the beach (also new) is a question of the day/week/month (this will vary). Your vote counts and is completely anonymous - even to us. So get your vote on!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

We're famous

Well, maybe someday. But the very blog you're reading right now has been added to the blog listings on both (that's huge!) and (not as huge but still awesome!). If you want autographs now, comment or shoot us an email.

In other news, we are pleased to introduce Par and the Royale. They're our friends so they're obviously cool. They hang out at Joe's and the 7 so you'll hear about them again.

Man down!!!

Thanks, Bunny, for the breaking news alert. Email update from Bunny. October 9, 2008, 9:37 AM:

"Ladies and gentleman, we have a car bomb casualty. The Menace's truck is still parked in his driveway at 9:30am. If any of you are at work to read this, let's have a moment of silence for our fallen comrade. "

Moment of silence begins now. Please bow your heads...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Meeting Minutes

For the first time possibly ever, XBX held a chapter meeting BEFORE 6 PM at a location other than Bud's! It's CRAZY, I know! Today's meeting commenced at 12:07 PM at Lek's Railroad Thai. Attending members of XBX were Thelma & Louise (obviously), JT and the Menace (unfortunately, Bunny missed out). And no, no car bombs were consumed. I'm being absolutely serious. Don't think car bombs didn't come up in conversation a few (dozens of) times. Hey, we're only human. Anyway, back to the minutes of today's meeting:

  • JT does not like spicy food - stick to spaghetti, JT
  • good conversation was had by all --> note to self: get the Menace some footy pajamas for Christmas (and perhaps a young Asian friend, if it's in the budget)
  • perhaps we need to respect the car bomb a little more and quit abusing it so much as it has begun to retaliate in the form of killer headaches and a very strong desire for hibernation-type naps
  • going to the laundromat is NOT an excuse for refusing lunch with friends

Friday, October 3, 2008

Who won the debate?

Does anyone know? Because we were unable to watch it. We went down to Joe’s around 8:30 and sat at the bar under one of only two televisions even showing the debate (the other 23 televisions were set to various sports channels). We realized we’d forgotten to print out the debate drinking game rules, so we came up with our own: basically, drink every time either candidate speaks. Unfortunately (fortunately?) after only a few minutes of this, the "debate" was immediately turned off per the request of the patrons of Joe's because it was a buzz-kill. Actually, the real reason it was turned off is because our drinking game was annoying the bartender :(. Apparently drinking games are more of a “home” activity…

Anyway, we missed most of the debate and obviously neither of us woke up early enough this morning to watch the news before dragging ourselves to work. So any feedback is welcome.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thirsty Debate Thursday

We know there are several debate parties going on this evening mainly existing for the purpose of uniting with your fellow party affiliates (or friends that like to argue) to drink in order to distract yourselves from the embarrassing squabble that will invade every channel of the television tonight. One of us is having to leave town for the weekend :( but will hopefully be packed in time to at least catch the last few anxiety-ridden moments of the, debate (note to self: bring klonopin). Anyway, should the packing get done, we plan to be at Joe's to hopefully watch the splendor with some friends. There are, however, rules for the occasion: